Featured Student Mirella Toncheva
From time to time I will feature a student that inspires me to draw more. Looking through Mirella Toncheva's sketchbook is a pure treat for me. Mirella is in my Foundation Drawing class at SVA, however foundation is the wrong word for her drawings. Since I truly enjoy drawing girls I'm like a kid in a candy shop looking through her sketchbook. Her line is pure grace and most if not all of her quote "girl" drawings come from her imagination. I would have loved to be able to draw like this when I was in first year of college. All of my foundation students must finish two sketchbooks each semester. You should push yourself to try to finish a sketchbook in eight weeks. You will be amazed at how your drawings change for the better. When I draw in my sketchbook everyday even for just twenty minutes I stay connected, I think of it as my form of meditation. Thanks Mirella for sharing.

Labels: Mirella Toncheva Girl Drawings