Saturday, December 29, 2007

Planning for 2008

I continually stress to my students the need to plan and execute. There is something magical that happens when you write something down. Your subconscious mind wants to complete it. I'm currently planning for 2008. First I write down as many things as I would like to accomplish for the year. I call this a goal dump, not a few goals, well over a hundred. Then I categorize them into personal and professional. In my professional category I have roughly five main areas. One is titled "Ever Expanding Skills". So I write down my vision for that category and give the vision a timeline, thirty day, six months, etc. One of my main goals is to create a new Composition DVD and have it completed by late February.

If you are interested in planning for your career I offer an "Advanced Illustration and the Marketplace" class that helps really talented people get organized so they can go conquer the world.

New DVD's Finally Finished

Finally after working and planning for three months I've finished two Brand new DVD's. Painting on camera was not as easy as I thought it would be. I learned a lot and had a fun time doing so. Both of these DVD's focus much more on Illustration rather than life drawing. I had to hire someone new to help me film the DVD's as well as actually make them. I hired Miss Destiny Sorelli. Destiny was a student of mine last year in foundation drawing for animators. She really stepped in and did a great job. Even on a diet of Cherry Twizzlers and barely no water she found a way to preform.

Welcome to Drawing Inspiration

I've created this blog to offer inspiration for people who love to draw and want to cultivate some kind of lifestyle around drawing. Either launching a career as an illustrator or Digital Artist. This first post is for my students. You have all inspired me tremendously with your creativity and raw talent. Both my Friday and Tuesday foundation drawing classes are a real treat. Mainly because Danny has some great poses and Mirella has some kick butt sketchbook drawings of girls. All and all it was a pretty great Fall semester. I'm looking forward to creating a whole new Spring semester curriculum geared more to the art of animation.
Below are a few photos from a couple fun field trips in Manhattan at the Met.